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How can I help?


By donating to Macquarie Home Stay, you’re helping to support the 200,000+ people who live in the Local Health District and may need access to the services of Dubbo Health service and other providers by providing affordable, accessible and comfortable accommodation when there can be a lot of uncertainty and nervousness in their lives.

The best part is, your donation stays local to support locals.

And you may have preference where you might like the donation to go:

  • perhaps its into our financial hardship account
  • towards the purchase of goods and supplies for our guests
  • maybe its to buy a particular piece of equipment we need operationally
  • maybe it will go towards a part of our expansion and help build the next accommodation stage
  • or just a general donation for us to use where it is needed the most

Macquarie Home Stay is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) with the ACNC. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible.

We would love to have a chat with you about how your donation can be best used. Simply call or send us an email.

CWA Donation

Prefer to donate goods?

We are often asked "What do you need, can we buy you anything?" We are ever so grateful for these generous offers, and so from time to time we post a list of items we can use on our social media pages. Check them out on our facebook and instagram pages.

Credit Card

Other ways to Donate

Direct Deposit

Institution: Regional Australia Bank
Account Name: Macquarie Home Stay Fundraising account
BSB Number: 932 000
Account Number: 100394414

Via GiveNow

Donate as a once-off or setup a recurring donation using your credit or debit card

How can I help?

More ways to help

Join our Dinner Guest program

Join our Dinner Guest program



Host a Fundraiser

Host a Fundraiser

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